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  1. ANONYMOUS says, I was on Klonopin for 30 years, tried convincing my Dr. to prescribe compounded liquid for tapering because I felt the dose (.5) taken at night was becoming paradoxical and felt like I had Akathesia. Dr.dragged his feet and I attempted to take my life. After being saved, was sent to psych hospital where drs. Kept digging for mental illness cause as I insisted it was for physical reasons! There, they said, “no withdrawals from benzos and abruptly took me off.” Home for 6 weeks and scared for each day not knowing what symptoms are still around the corner.

  2. ANONYMOUS says, I was on Klonopin for 30 years, tried convincing my Dr. to prescribe compounded liquid for tapering because I felt the dose (.5) taken at night was becoming paradoxical and felt like I had Akathesia. Dr.dragged his feet and I attempted to take my life. After being saved, was sent to psych hospital where drs. Kept digging for mental illness cause as I insisted it was for physical reasons! There, they said, “no withdrawals from benzos and abruptly took me off.” Home for 6 weeks and scared for each day not knowing what symptoms are still around the corner.

  3. Why aren’t Medical Professionals who are aware of the suicide risk associated with benzodiazepines, as well as the debilitating withdrawal symptoms, actively informing others in their profession of the harm induced through prescription of these medications?

  4. I attempted suicide back in 2017 the thought never entered my mind until benzo wds. Doctors still don’t listen

    1. Dear Joe. Yes unfortunately that is all too true about Benzodiazepines as well as a large number of other psychiatric medications.

    2. Frustrated does not begin to describe what I feel. My daughter completed suicide in 2017 after stopping klonopin, a Benzo.

  5. Thank you for publishing this as doctors think I’m making up benzo withdrawals! I was on 2 benzos for 11-12 years for a seizure disorder, and I spent about 18 months tapering. It was hell, and it still is hell at times despite being off of them for close to three months. I would not wish benzo hell upon anyone, but I’m so thankful to be off of them and to be able to find a therapist who is helping me get through this.