I’m frequently asked “Where can I find a doctor to help me stop benzodiazepines?” In my opinion, the better question is “How can I be successful coming off benzodiazepines?”
I’ll share some tips that may help one get off benzodiazepines, whether they have an expert doctor or not. While not comprehensive, the list below outlines some information for those wanting to stop benzodiazepines.
Please keep in mind these tips were compiled based on firsthand experience and anecdotes from others, and I am not a medical professional and none of my opinions should be construed as medical advice. Please see our medical disclaimer for more information.
1. Join an Online Support Group.
Relying solely on the medical profession is entirely insufficient— one must truly understand what they are up against. This is best learned in support groups, which contain the most accurate information about benzodiazepine withdrawal (note that there is also a lot of inaccurate information, and that interacting with other benzodiazepine-harmed individuals can provoke anxiety). One must be patient and discerning, but the knowledge is there. Some recommended groups and websites for support can be found in the Resources section of our website.
2. Read the Ashton Manual and our Tapering Strategies and Solutions.
This doesn’t mean one must strictly follow the Ashton Manual, as better options, like micro tapering, exist. However, the Ashton Manual is an expertly written guide answering common questions for laypeople about benzodiazepine withdrawal. A free copy of the Ashton Manual is available on our site. Our own Benzodiazepine Tapering Strategies and Solutions is free on our website. In 2022, we helped author this Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance through the University of Colorado and the Colorado Consortium that may be useful to your prescriber.
3. Accept that there aren’t (m)any benzodiazepine withdrawal experts. Focus on finding a prescriber who is willing to work with you instead.
Many people frantically search for an “expert” to help them with benzodiazepine withdrawal. While some prescribers may claim to be experts, the sad reality is that they usually are not. These searches often waste resources and time that could have been spent tapering correctly and recovering. Also, the more “experts” consulted, the more vulnerable one may be to dangerous prescriber errors. (Some of the most common prescriber errors are discussed here). Most who successfully taper off benzodiazepines do so without an expert. In fact, while ill-advised, many patients report to us that they avoid informing their prescribers that they are tapering due to concerns over the risks of being “cut off,” especially if they have had a poor experience with a past prescriber.
Some prescribers really do know a lot about benzodiazepine cessation, but they are rare and the exception. So, instead of “expert,” search for “benzo-cooperative” prescribers— having one in your corner is the best case scenario.
“Benzo-cooperative” prescribers are willing to:
- taper at your desired/required rate.
- refill the prescription for the duration of the taper.
- accommodate switching to a liquid compound or longer-acting benzodiazepine (should you require one) at the appropriate equivalence.
Unfortunately, some prescribers get skittish when approached about benzodiazepine cessation, leading to risky results. Prescribers may overreact to a patient’s request to come off a benzodiazepine or to their reported withdrawal symptoms and force their patient to “cold turkey,” taper too rapidly, or just drop the patient completely. This is reported frequently, so I want to warn clearly on this:
Have a backup plan, including an appointment set with another prescriber, before having the cessation conversation with your current one.
A list of prescribers given positive feedback by patients and/or who expressed a willingness to be “benzo-cooperative” can be found on our site. That said, many resign from the list, exhausted by the real needs of the tapering, and some are removed due to poor feedback. Please keep this in mind with your expectations.
4. Avoid addiction language when describing your benzodiazepine problem.
Learn the difference between physical dependence and addiction. Inappropriate language undermines your own success. It impairs your ability to get prescriber help, harms other patients, and only serves to broaden the already-large pool of ignorance surrounding benzodiazepines. This topic is explained extensively here, here, here, here, here and here. If you are determined to call yourself an addict, I beg you to read them and consider why you should stop.
5. Don’t go to rehab if you are a compliant patient (with a few exceptions).
As an organization, we warn against compliant patients going to rehab or detox for benzodiazepine cessation. Before considering this approach, find our reasoning fully outlined here.
6. Know the equivalence conversion and how to crossover.
Many patients decide to switch (aka “crossover”) from a shorter half-life drug to a longer one, like Valium. To add further confusion, there are multiple benzodiazepine equivalency charts, many of which may under-dose some patients. Although the Ashton Manual guideline has higher equivalent doses than others, it is the most evidence based in a real clinical setting. You can find a conversion calculator using the Ashton Manual guidance here. That said, these charts are just a guide and true equivalences may vary among individuals.
Switching directly from one benzodiazepine to another without a transition period is also not advised. The crossover charts in the Ashton Manual give specific instructions on how to do a stepwise transition.
7. Recognize some patients will be fine regardless of approach.
Benzodiazepine withdrawal severity is a spectrum. A percentage experience zero to minimal withdrawal symptoms; they will not have problems regardless of the approach. Unfortunately, medicine often regards this as the norm, erroneously attributing the luck of easy withdrawal to the skill of the prescriber or the cessation method. The truth is that there is no way to tell in advance where any patient will fall on the withdrawal spectrum. Asking others what they did and assuming their outcome applies to you will not provide much insight into what your experience will ultimately be.
8. Know that taper rates provided by medical professionals are often arbitrary and overly rapid.
Most prescribers choose an arbitrary taper rate for benzodiazepine cessation based on available doses. Examples include advice to cut a pill in quarters or halves every few days, regardless of the total daily dose, to skip doses, or to reduce by 20-25% (or more) per week. Most patients blindly follow this, as they trust their prescriber, not realizing these tapering suggestions are largely unresearched, and can be damaging or deadly. According to Schweizer et al, reductions implemented by many physicians of 25% per week have a 32-42% failure rate. Even the FDA manufacturer cessation rates have high failure rates. A review by Nassima et al concluded that the FDA’s Xanax tapering recommendations are too fast.
9. Have your own taper rate and method in mind. Start low, go slow.
Many support groups will provide you with a printable taper plan to present to your prescriber (e.g., a liquid microtaper utilizing a 5-10% per month reduction rate). Since everyone is different, going slow at first is the most sensible approach. If no issues are experienced, one can always speed up, while those who struggle can prevent damage and even slow down. It is important to note that some patients report relatively easy tapers and then have problems AFTER being off. This usually takes a few weeks to manifest and can become severe for long periods of time.
10. Polydrugging and supplements don’t solve benzodiazepine withdrawal.
While the desire to lower or avoid suffering is understandable, the evidence for utilizing nearly all medication and supplements to “treat” benzodiazepine withdrawal is very low, unconvincing, or nonexistent. In fact, the British National Formulary and Dr. Ashton specifically warn against polydrugging and supplements. This does not mean you should avoid everything, including things you are medically advised to take. Rather, be your own advocate, being aware medications and/or supplements are often ineffective at reducing withdrawal symptoms, while simultaneously carrying their own dependence and withdrawal potential, and are even sometimes even anecdotally reported to make things worse. We maintain a list of medications and supplements that may cause setbacks on our website.
Hopefully you find these tips useful in your own journey. I wish you well.
I am 82 years of age, and have been taking lorazapam for years. I don’t think I can ever get off it at this late date. It is not working well for me anymore. I don’t hardly sleep. Is it safe to take Kava Kava to get some rest?
What did you use to sleep on without the lorazapam. I used to use lexapro with it to sleep on, and for years I slept fine until I went on vacation and left my Lorazapam behind. I took it again when I got home, but the Lexapro had reset. Magnesium from fish does help a little, but not always. I feel like I need to die and go to Jesus just to be rid of this nasty drug. Any comment welcome.
A slow taper makes so much sense, but I have yet to see any provider in the U.S. use the manual, referring to it as a high liability, unable to gauge where to start based on subjective withdrawal symptoms. The manual places the client in charge to dictate how much they need and when to taper down, but at the expense of using the providers prescription pad and malpractice insurance. Does anyone have a provider who follows the manual? If so, how is your progress gauged, as many clients would want to start at the highest taper.
Does anyone know a dr. who will help my son taper off benzos. He is 24 he needs to find someone who can help him taper. He has tapered off 3 weeks but his symptoms are so bad he needs to find someone who will help him do it slower and no one will help him, They won’t prescribe anything and detox won’t help him because he’s not on a drug.
He is in Kingston NY can go anywhere to any dr. near or city.
please help. mom
I took Cipro and bromazepan and those put me in a very bad withdrawal situation at he end of 17′ ,three months of hell . At the beggining of 18′ Clonazepan with buspar stabilize me some how after 4 months. Then a long 10 months taper that end up in February this year. Never was 100% stable after the taper but functional. After taking L theanin suplement to improve my anxiety I had such a bad withdrawal that i had to reinstate. Klonopin again save me of such a horrendous withdrawal. Went back to the 1 mg dose for about 3 weeks now and improving daily. Million dollar question: Should I keep going and get more stabilized. I already vivit several doctors and they want to add more meds to the mix. Don’t really know what to do. Ashton talks about adding antidepresanta in certain circunstampces. Have to see other doctors nex week don’t know if press and tell them to keep going with the klonoping for a while and then taper. My job is at risk if if I mess up. Please any that reinstate after three months have any advice it would be very much appreciated.
What ever happens where you able to tapper I have a very similar situation.
Yes It’s been almost 9 months and I’m at 0.080 mg from 1 mg in June last year. It was not easy but I was able to keep working and doing other activities. Now at this low dose it’s getting more difficult but I keep going low and slow. What I learned in this two years of nightmare is that this drugs amplify whatever was wrong with you before and also add other symptoms. I think that Cipro antibiotic placed me in this situation and although benzodiazepines helped me at the very beginning now they became another devil to fight.
This drugs also play with your brain a lot so most of the stuff is more psychosomatic than anything else. Hopefully I’ll be my normal again soon.
Ah, I just posted a comment but put in the wrong email! I am trying to keep on a the path and start a taper without any other drugs that dr and family want me to take. I would love to take something if it would work and cause no harm. That does not seem to be the case. However, has anyone every found a way to use something to help with sleep when withdrawing from Benzos?
Yes, after 6years on Dyhdracodeine, I quit cold turkey. And 8 years of Diazepam abuse, I just vaped weed in the evenings, though I must say ignorance was bliss. After I done this now 4 years sober of weed too. The information of withdrawals etc is very scary. I now help people with benzodiazepines withdrawals and am making people aware of the awful new street Analog Benzos, Etizolam, which has destroyed many lives in Scotland now the UK. I advise not too smoke weed like I did or take anything else unless needed not for the Benzo withdrawals. Or read too much up on the drugs withdrawal symptoms and too not drink alcohol. Except a long taper of Valium, with positive people around you and support network. Idea is to get down too 30mg say Diazepam, stabilise for 2months then taper 1mg every 2weeks until taking 0.25 or even lower up to the individual. Good luck
I am really trying to be on the path of tapering and staying off the other drugs that my doctors and family want me to use for depression. Honestly, I want to use something to – if it would work and cause no harm. What I wonder is there anything that folks have been able to use safely in a taper to help with sleep? It is so debilitating not to be able to sleep. Makes everything else so hard.
My long and painful journey regarding Benzodiazepines, began in 1989. I blamed myself, believing the Psychiatric and Substance Abuse communities,,given various diagnoses and comments, such as, “Your disease is kicking your ass!” I was put in detox for 14 days, and not believed that I was hallucinating and experiencing depersonalization. I attempted suicide in 2008 during a taper, and subsequently was deemed Permanently Disabled in 2010, and even though I went back to school to complete my masters in Social Work, I haven’t worked since that time.
Thank you ?? with all my heart, because for the first time, I don’t blame myself for this horrific injury. I was the victim of an incompetent general practitioner, who refused to make the referral for a Therapist, prescribed Xanax, then dropped me as his patient. 30 years ago, and my entire family and of course myself still suffer from this negligence. I recently googled this Dr., only to find his license was Suspended,,,Not Revoked! Thank you for giving me hope that I will complete this taper and heal, while along the way, be of service to others who walk with me.
Thank you for enlightening me. I’ve been on polygrugs for 11 years and I’ve gone through hell and attempted suicide, been arrested for DUI, lost my job, my health, etc.Good people don’t deserve this medically-induced soul crushing. Ativan is my last one and I’m tapering slowly, but it is very hard physically. Because of people like you and the good knowledge, I know I’ll be successful.
Please help JC. I am very trapped. I have to taper off the rest ot Klonopin. Somehow the last sevetal months i got down to .75 mg of Klonopin from 1.5. I am very disabled and scared. Stagnant- sticking brain. I have to taper off rest to really heal but can’t get help with slow taper and to make matters worse i have telapse sevete OCD. Worh words ,notions ,talk so can’t explain my very complicated scenario over 19 months.i can’t find out how to dlowly taper.75 mg. Of Klonopin 5 to 10 % tapers. Can’t understand it from Ashton and can’t talk to my clinic where i get scripts and doc won’t learn it and they want me te see therapist there who blew me away and said false things to me nonone should say to OCD VICTIM AND I SAW WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT benzo victims and therapy. For my ocd alone it is not recommeded and i can’t even send them articles or print them. And i can’t search anymre and explain my scenario to anybody but have to do something. Feel i can’t take it another day even tapering this poisin. Cant go to hosp. For mant reasons . That could cause worse than death, beyond words because my stagnant brain – i cant do or feel what used to be my simple satisfaction to master any fatal news,so till i shed benzo have,to stay away from certain tests and hosp. And they taper toi fast and did alot other violations to me to make it worse. Don’t even say anything about that- i get worst trgger that i really can’t take and if i went there and they told me i had cancer or some fatal disease on top of how i feel now and i can’t go work out like i used to or go to a party or dinner, i havent had one drink in 20 months. So if i was told that on top of how i feel and couldn’t do the things to help a lil at least and master it. I can’t take any sttess like i did. That would be death worse than death, beyond death. So rt now i just have to find rt help to do slow taper like Ashton. 5 to 10 % and can’t find it and can’t explain my scenario to anybody else. It got so complicated and with my ocd and stagnant – sticking brain. I am trapped. Feel i can’t take another day of it,have nowhere to go to get rt help and can’t call anyone, even family and close friends cause I cant explain my scenario. I have had binds and traps and barriers every day for 19 months.
Dear Steven,
I Hear and Understand You. I Believe You. Please be Gentle and Go Slowly. Do you have a Doctor? Is it possible that you switch over to a Longer Acting Benzodiazepine, such as Valium? I Know that helped me on this Journey. Thank you for being Honest and Open. We Need You. Keep Reaching Out?
Down to librium taper. For the months of Jan through April of this year, with just 2 10mg librium daily I felt fine. Returned to running, music, socializing, but come May I began experiencing intense rumination, insomnia, SI, worse in the morning and sometimes I would feel better I continued through the day. Do not sense that my psychiatrist appreciates just how difficult this journey can be. A real nightmare at times. Simply seeking some suggestions, feedback, etc.
Ativan has a short half life. I have been more successful by crossing over to Valium (diazepam).
.5 Ativan is equal to 15 mg Valium…. so be sure to check the conversion of what you are taking.
Good luck. I am slow tapering. I take pills and use the liquid to reduce the dose on a daily basis I reduce it for a few days and then hold till I feel stable and then reduce it a little more. I use an allergy syringe and withdraw only a little …. like .2 ml. but I do that every day then stop and hold at that dose.
I did the cut the pill thing and ended up in the hospital. So … go slow and use the Ashton manual as a guide.
Well Ashton is pill cutting. Because her thinking was limited to pill-cutting, she advocated using low potency per mg benzos as in Diazepam.
These limits do not apply when using the right liquid. Extremely small reductions can be measured when using the correct liquid at the correct strength (mg/ml).
Using a liquid delivery form is not actually a method. It is only a delivery form. .
God Bless you JC !!! We victims need to educate doctors,
nurses, pharmaseutical companies. NAMI. American Psychiatric Association. And many many more .. Universities, Neurologists,
Psychiatrists, Psychologists. We have been injured and beyond
hell. We need the MEDIA to get hold of all our stories to
change all forms of mental and behavioural health. God bless you.
We have to Blake. I am so traumatizex now and i was a confident,positive,vibrant guy. Iwas,a talented singer/ guitarist and loved performing with my son. The prescription dependence took everything,even my music. I don’t know how i am going to get off the rest of this. I don’t know how to do a,slow taper and can’t even find a doctor to work on it with me as per Ashton or similar small tapers. They caused the problem with no warning and now they won’t help. Too busy with patients every 15 minutes. It is a crime.
It should get in the media. I am all for it. I am too damaged to even explain my scenario but if you want to make a, report, i support you and would testify. Thank You. We should have it exposed and fined.
Dear Steve
I feel the same way you do. I wish I was never ever prescribed Klonopin by a psychiatrist who didn’t know what he was doing and still doesn’t. It has ruined my life. I do my best to get the word out.
Zelig Dolinsky,Ph.D.
Steve, check out benzobuddies.org. lots of info there on how to slow taper and instructions on turning to liquid to reduce in small ml with a syringe.
I learned about the liquid titration method from benzobuddies.org. It worked very well for me. I didnt have any professional help figuring the method out. Go to the “Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper Plans)” on benzobuddies. I posted my method using simple tools and a little arithmetic. Getting a family member to help you get started would be great.
Yes, it is criminal what happens. Doctors (sic) keep pushing another pill to solve this symptom. So many people are poly drugged, then cant figure out how to get out of the hell created by the medical community.
I tapered from 4 mG clonazepam over 11 months and also tapered from 800 mG nefazodone. It can be done. I am 8 months benzo free and feel pretty good. The key is go slow, no need for a years taper. Your body will tell you went you hit your speed.
Good luck to everyone in this battle. There is hope, pray a lot, exercise if you can, keep notes and adjust as needed. Be very cautious of the medical profession as most dont know how to taper…IMO.
Benzobuddies, the website, ridicules the actual liquid taper form while claiming it as its own and publishing incorrect scientific “fact”. How is this possible?
It actually claimed that “the suspension is preferred to a solution”. It promoted water to “dissolve” all benzos and now alcohol is the new thing. Ignorance is harmful.
Is that you Jana Hill? Are you still helping people. I’d love to be in touch.
Thank you to Lisa Ling for her airing about benzos. Need many more episodes on this subject. I wish there were support groups so we could help each other. Only we know what we are going through. I would be interested to know if any research has been done on CBD without TBC helping withdrawal symptoms.