A new benzodiazepine was approved by the FDA in August, 2021. Loreev XR (extended-release lorazepam) is a once daily benzodiazepine formulation indicated for the treatment of anxiety disorders in adults. Loreev comes in 1 mg 2mg and 3 mg tablets. 1 mg of non-extended release lorazepam, according to the Ashton Manual, is the equivalent of approximately 10 mg of diazepam.

The new FDA Boxed Warning accompanying Loreev XR warns of abuse, misuse addiction, dependence and withdrawal reactions. Loreev XR prescribing literature warns that the effectiveness of Loreev XR use for more than 4 months has not been assessed in clinical studies. The safety of Loreev XR in adults is based on studies with lorazepam tablets. Loreev XR does not include the warnings that appear in the lorazepam prescribing literature that “benzodiazepines should only be prescribed for short periods only (e.g. 2 to 4 weeks).” Both warn of the risks of suicidality. Neither the FDA nor the manufacturer provide cessation or tapering guidance beyond “reduce slowly.”
I am on ativan 20 plus years as a 9-11 survivor. I a moving to a small town in Texas and desperate to titrate ( I got off once).I have severe interdose withdrawal Please reach out to me. I would be so grateful. I have been trying to get both involved as a grant writer and find resources for help. Thank you.
My former phyciatrist had prescribed clonazepam for me and had me take them for many years. When I wanted off He had me off in about 6 weeks and the rebound anxiety brain zaps as well as other physical symptoms where to much so I had to start back up . Go forward a few more years and I spoke with my new PCP because my previous PCP retired anyway my new PCP agreed to slowly wiening me off of benzodiazepines. My phyciatrist and the clinic decided since I was having my PCP do the weining process that I no longer needed thier services and stopped my therapy sessions and dis enrolled me from the clinic completely. . Thankfully my new pcp is helping me get off of the benzodiazepines but the withdrawal symptoms at times are painful and intense.. I just wanted to share my experiences thanks for listening.
You dont need to wein off in a certain time period, you can reduce the dose by 1/4 and stay on that for 6 months and wein off in a matter of years not months.
Hello I’m trying to find someone to call me and talk I’m in a remote area thank you mike 301-758-9936