BIND: The Patient Experience

Please join the Colorado Consortiumā€™s Benzodiazepine Action Work Group for our free CME lunch and learn webinar series. Webinar topics include alternative treatments to BZDs, consequences of BZD prescribed use, BZD Induced Neurologic Dysfunction (BIND), and tapering/deprescribing. Prescribers who attend all 4 webinars will be eligible to be listed as a ā€œBenzodiazepine Cooperative Prescriberā€ in...

California Society of Addiction Medicineā€™s 2022 Conference

Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina San Diego, CA, United States

Our director, Dr. Christy Huff, is presenting her lived benzodiazepine experience as a keynote speaker for the California Society of Addiction Medicineā€™s 2022 conference.

Richard Fee Foundation Presents: “Medicating Normal: The Filmā€

Sandler Center for Performing Arts 201 Market Street, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Join us on January 26 for a screening of the documentary Medicating Normal in Virginia Beach. This free event, presented by the Richard Fee Foundation, includes 2.25 hours of CME credit for qualifying professionals. Post-screening panelists include: Robert Whitaker, Anatomy of an Epidemic author and president of Mad in America Sami Timimi, MD, psychiatrist, member...

Deprescribing Psychiatric Drugs

Meyera E Oberndorf Central Library Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Dr. Bohan, formerly head physician at Meridian Psychotherapy in Virginia Beach, is long experienced in safe deprescribing techniques and will share the process with the audience in an understandable manner. Several people who have gone through the process will join him to share their stories of having been safely de-prescribed.

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) 54th Annual Conference

Gaylord National Resort National Harbor, MD, United States

Our medical director, Dr. Christy Huff will present on the latest paper she co-authored:Ā Consequences of Benzodiazepine-Induced Neurological Dysfunction: An Internet Survey at The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) 54th Annual Conference.

17th Annual BC Nurse Practitioner Conference

Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Benzodiazepine Information Coalition medical advisory board member Gail Dawson, NP, will presentĀ Benzodiazepine Deprescribing: A Patient-Centered Approach.

2023 CIRSx Annual Conference

Embassy Suites by Hilton 2601 Canyon Boulevard, Boulder, CO, United States

Dr. Christy Huff will present on Benzodiazepine-Induced Neurological Dysfunction (BIND)

Benzodiazepine Injury: Awareness and Deprescribing

ODU Peninsula Regional Center 600 Butler Farm Rd, Hampton, VA, United States

Free Benzo Injury Networking Event Event open to all but especially to these subgroups: Those injured by benzodiazepines, and those who have been deprescribed or who are in the process of deprescribing plus the family and friends who stand by them. Deprescribers and the MDā€™s, PAā€™s and NPā€™s in active practice or training who want...

Eastern Virginia Medical School PA Program Community Networking Event

Eastern Virginia Medical School VA, United States

Benzodiazepine Information Coalition will sponsor at table Eastern Virginia Medical School's Physician Assistant Community Networking Event to help future PA's understand the issues surrounding prescribing and deprescribing benzodiazepines. If you're a PA student enrolled at EVMS, come see us! Unfortunately, this event is not open to the public.

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