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  1. Here is my experience with the stages of long term Benzo use. I am recovered 7 years from long term benzo addiction. Detoxed cold turkey, had no one here to help me come off them medically. I used these drugs as prescribed due to an anxiety disorder brought about by life circumstances. I continued to use them thinking they were harmless. In my experience there are four stages of long term benzodiazepam use. I found a study from New Zealand that described my experience. The first is cognitive decline. The second is paranoid thinking. The third is anti social behavior and the fourth is psychosis. I can describe passing through each stage through my own experience. I am now 73 years old, getting off the benzos at age 66. The recovery has been very long and I feel I will always feel some of the effects of that drug and my consequences of taking them. I spend a lot of time using techniques to help with neuroplasticity recovery, which at my age is important anyway. I will admit during the last stage of my addiction to the benzos I added alcohol to the mix. I am lucky to be alive. There was never a “high” to using the benzos. I used them in order to remove the anxiety, which at first it did, I believed they removed any and all feelings. All social skills were gone. I am grateful you are bringing the use and misuse to the medical community. All of my doctors have heard my story and emphasis on the dangers of this drug and it’s prescription. Xanax was the drug I ended up with, starting with clonzapam. Any word with “pam” in it is not good. I will always speak out about the evils of benzodiazapam, and it’s misuse.

    1. Hey sherry iam sorry to hear that. Was it taking Xanax and how many a day. Just asking because I have a similar experince. When I was 18 I went to a psychiatrist by myself and told her I have problems paying attention and tired. Automatically prescribed me adderall and XANAX. I was never told or given any information about the dangers of either medications. Fast forward 3 years and I was on 6 MG of XANAX A DAY. I was never educated on this just thought she knows, She’s a doctor, she cares! At 24 my job took away my Healthcare. THE PSYCHIATRIST THEN REFUSED TO TREAT ME ANYMORE. I BROKE DOWN AND I WAS IN A BASEMENT WITH LIGHTS OFF ALL BY MYSELF DARK AND DAMP FOR 5 MONTHS. Finnally I managed to gather myself to call catholic charity’s to help me. They ended up putting me back on a benzo Klonipin. I will never feel the same again. I’ve lost everything, my rights, A business I started up called Hot-can. The purpose of my product was to help disaster victims, the military, the starving globally etc. I even had a deal with WEGMANS A HUGE GROCERY CHAIN. BUT SADLY It has led me isolated in my room all day tryn to get through the day. My anxiety is ruining my life. Iam 38 now and on disability because of the debilitating pain I still feel from that.
      I Never had support from family friends etc Nobody Ever! I WOULD Have DIED IF I HAVENT PULLED EVERYTHING TOGETHER JUST TO MAKE A PHONE CALL. SHE IS STILL IN PRACTICE TODAY FROM 2006-PRESENT BECAUSE I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO MY SELF. So I was just wondering what should I do where to go from here. I live on monthly income and most of it goes to medicine and rent. I lost 13 years and counting of my life. How do I survive. I need a lot of therapy’s but have no money and state insurance.

    2. Hey sherry iam sorry to hear that. Was it taking Xanax and how many a day. Just asking because I have a similar experince. When I was 18 I went to a psychiatrist by myself and told her I have problems paying attention and tired. Automatically prescribed me adderall and XANAX. I was never told or given any information about the dangers of either medications. Fast forward 3 years and I was on 6 MG of XANAX A DAY. I was never educated on this just thought she knows, She’s a doctor, she cares! At 24 my job took away my Healthcare. THE PSYCHIATRIST THEN REFUSED TO TREAT ME ANYMORE. I BROKE DOWN AND I WAS IN A BASEMENT WITH LIGHTS OFF ALL BY MYSELF DARK AND DAMP FOR 5 MONTHS. Finnally I managed to gather myself to call catholic charity’s to help me. They ended up putting me back on a benzo Klonipin. I will never feel the same again. I’ve lost everything, my rights, A business I started up called Hot-can. The purpose of my product was to help disaster victims, the military, the starving globally etc. I even had a deal with WEGMANS A HUGE GROCERY CHAIN. BUT SADLY It has led me isolated in my room all day tryn to get through the day. My anxiety is ruining my life. Iam 38 now and on disability because of the debilitating pain I still feel from that.
      I Never had support from family friends etc Nobody Ever! I WOULD Have DIED IF I HAVENT PULLED EVERYTHING TOGETHER JUST TO MAKE A PHONE CALL. SHE IS STILL IN PRACTICE TODAY FROM 2006-PRESENT BECAUSE I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO MY SELF. So I was just wondering what should I do where to go from here. I live on monthly income and most of it goes to medicine and rent. I lost 13 years and counting of my life. How do I survive. I need a lot of therapy’s but have no money and state insurance.