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  1. Hello
    I am looking for medical studies on patients who took benzos for 10 years or more, and I’m having a difficult time finding any information on this group.
    I was terribly over prescribed benzos for 12-13 years and now I have not taken them (any NEVER will again) for 11 months and I have several unusual issues, and I think most are benzo related but I would like to see studies if there are any out there.
    If you could suggest websites or send me links, that would be much appreciated.

    Thank you

    1. I fit this profile and I was diagnosed at 48nwith an thoracic aneurysm. My blood pressure spikes to 160 over 117 due to protracted withdrawal symptoms. I too was over prescribed for over a decade. However I am forced to continue taking them but in smaller amounts. Otherwise I would probably commit suicide due to the symptoms.

      1. I messed up leaving my comment up above. This is Tammie Holloway. This time around I have been on Xanax for about 15 or 16 years taking 3 mg a day and I am trying to wean off of it on my own and I got down from 3 mg a day to 1 mg a day for the most part and my problem is I don’t have insurance and I have to pay cash to see my doctor but he helps me because he knows that I cannot work and my husband is on disability and his income is the only income in the household and he’s 68 years old and so my doctor lets me see him only once every 3 months and gives me three pills, however unfortunately my Pharmacy closed down and they had one of my refills left and I tried to go to a different Pharmacy and they won’t take me because I know longer live in the same county we moved just one hour away and I wanted to continue to see my same doctor because I’m comfortable with that doctor and he also understands my financial problem and they’re telling me that you have to live in the same county to get your Xanax filled at the pharmacy and so now I need a lot of prayers to try to find a doctor here that will only have me come in once every 3 months but that is a rare find and so I don’t know what to do now. I take Xanax for panic attacks and anxiety I also take Remeron for PTSD and depression and quality for insomnia and Nightmares. I am having tolerance withdrawal even though I went down to 1 mg a day. My memory I have noticed changes I have noticed severe irritability I have noticed insomnia, nightmares, anxiety starting back up again, I have noticed muscle spasms, trouble concentrating and focusing and I am very concerned about being able to properly wean off of this medicine. I may need to be on some type of medication for the rest of my life, but I don’t want to be on any medication that has any type of control over me whatsoever that I have to depend on ever again.