Sonja Styblo has acted as a community organizer in the area of informed consent for benzodiazepine prescription. Sonja is an iatrogenic victim herself. She is interested in the intersection of benzodiazepines and complex post- traumatic stress. Sonja is a licensed social worker who holds degrees in social work and philosophy. Sonja has been invited to speak at graduate and doctorate social work policy courses about her work in informed consent.
Massachusetts Benzodiazepine Bill
November 8, 2021
A Massachusetts Benzo Bill That Mandates Informed Consent
Mad in America
December 4, 2017
Call to Action: MA Bill H.3594 for Informed Benzodiazepine Use
Mad in America
May 25, 2017
Informed Consent for Benzodiazepines: A Personal Account
Mad in America
May 11, 2017
Episode 37: Conversation in the Kitchen
Benzodiazepine Awareness with Geraldine Burns
With benzos, a doctor discovers ease of dependency, ordeal of withdrawal
MJ Tidwell
Daily Hampshire Gazette
January 1, 2018