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  1. I need support as a person who is tapering and having no reason to live. Alone. I need someone who cares enough to pick up a phone or stop by and just be with me. Everything is 100% worse suffering alone. We need support. I am desperate

    1. I’m in a remote area of Australia, so it might be different for you. Here, public hospitals often have addiction specialist that can sometimes help with withdrawals.

      But I havn’t found a councellor, psychiatrist or doctor that knows anything about psychiatric drug withdrawals.

      However, Dr Josef Witt-Doerring has a YouTube channel that is full of helpful advice about withdrawing/tapering off psychiatric drugs. His advice is very good.

      Look for @Dr Josef or @taper clinic on YouTube to find him. When we can’t find a professional to help us, me must educate ourselves.

      I wish you all the best, God bless you 🙏

  2. Three years after taking benzos clonazepam) and still not back to who I was before taking them, I’ve continued to try and voice what I’m feeling and physical symptoms to several doctors who still refuse to believe the drug is the cause. Mental health help and tests are suggested as a way forward and no matter how I explain, they all refuse to listen.

    With no one to turn to, I rely completely on the research and information presented here at BIC. YOU ARE THE REASON I’m better and the reason I’m not throwing in the towel. You’ve let me know I’m not crazy, you’ve shared stories with others exactly like me who are experiencing the same.

    Thank you and your entire team for the work you’ve done and hope you continue.