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  1. I took 1mg clonzapam for almost year . When I tapered for month and quit it . I suffered for 7 weeks
    I thought I was going to die for sure . Some days I wished I did .

  2. Iā€™m at 14 and a half years since a too fast taper which was recommended by my doctor. Still suffering but am finally getting some
    Good days. Best thing I can say is I had to just give into it and accept it and know that someday it will be over. Took me over a decade to learn that. Please donā€™t let this frighten you because it is unusual to take this long but at the same time I go looking for long protracted people because it was immensely comforting to find that Iā€™m not alone.

  3. I just saw Jordan Peterson on a podcast and he looks great. Iā€™m wondering if he is taking a medication after his cold turkey off benzodiazapine???

  4. I’ve been dependent on Klonopin for the past 21 years, never abused it, took it as prescribed. Doctors and rehabs don’t really understand how painful it is and they don’t have answers, which I can’t blame them for. Currently, I’m working on a micro-taper where I am cutting 1/100th of a milligram but it’s still insanely difficult.

  5. Where is Siberia did he go for help. I have been suffering from protracted benzo withdrawal for 5 years now and am desperate for help. I have two kids and a wonderful husband and I would love help.

    1. hi rachael, even tho i dont know u, im a hs student and i hope u got ur help that you need and i hope it got better

    2. Rachel, I hope that your’e off of it. It is definitely possible & to feel normal again. It took me 4 years and it was from 2008-2012 & there weren’t the forums like today. I did it the hard way & most doctors don’t understand the drug. I was an insomniac/ walking zombie during that period. You need to find an experienced doctor that will do outpatient rehab. Micro dosing with Valium under a doctors care is the safe way to do it. Iv’e cold turkeyed too many times to count & had two gran mal seizures. It took me about a year off of it to feel somewhat normal- I was still not sleeping the best. Good sleep is so important too. I promise there is a light at the end of the tunnel.